Gettysburg Pennsylvania

I recently spent the past month with my sister & her hubby in their Pennsylvania home. While most of my time was spent in the company of their two kittens, we managed to make the time to take a couple mini road trips while I was there :) We drove West for a ways to Centralia, a small Pennsylvania town with a very interesting history. In 1962, a coal mine beneath the small town caught fire & led to a swift and abrupt abandonment of it's over 1,000 residents. As of 2013, there are only 7 residents remaining. There are several warning signs posted throughout the abandoned town warning of unstable ground, underground fire, and carbon monoxide. "Centralia has been used as a model for many different ghost towns and physical manifestations of Hell" in the media, but is best know for inspiring the look and feel for the film-adaptation of the video game, Silent Hill. Spooky!

Our next stop was Gettysburg, PA. I remember visiting Gettysburg with my family as a little girl, but unfortunately the most vivid memory I have of the Civil War battlefield involved two angry wasps up my shirt, and not so much the rich history that it is famous for. 


Lincoln Park Chicago Family Session


Winter over Lake Michigan